Membership Categories and Amount 會籍分類及會費
Membership discount will be offered to Full Members who settled their membership fee from 1 August 2024 to 31 December 2024. After discount, the annual fee is $140. For Associate Members, the discounted fee is $112. Entrance Fee remains at $70.
Members who pay their membership fee on or after 1 January 2025 are subject to the standard membership fee.於2025年1月1日或之後繳付會費之會員,須繳交正價會費。
Full Members 基本會員
Full-time students who study at the main campus of CityU at Kowloon Tong are Full Members of the SU (except postgraduate students and withdrawers from the SU).
- Annual Fee 年費: $147
- Entrance Fee 入會費: $70
- Total 共需繳付: $217
- Annual Fee 年費: $147
Associate Members 附屬會員
Students who are non-full members, Graduates and Staff of CityU are eligible to apply for the SU Associate Membership.
- Annual Fee 年費: $117.6
- Entrance Fee 入會費: $70
- Total 共需繳付: $187.6
- Annual Fee 年費: $117.6
- You will be regarded as existing members if you hold an active SU Full or Associate membership within the past 3 months.
於入會前三個月為本會基本會員或附屬會員者,將獲視為續會。 - SCOPE students who pursude a full-time programme at Advanced Diploma level or above awarded solely by SCOPE are eligible for Associate Membership. Currently, Advanced Diploma in Veterinary Nursing is an eligible programme for Associate Membership.
Temporary Members 臨時會員
Exchange students at CityU are eligible to apply for the SU Temporary Membership.
Annual fee and Enrollment fee are waived for Temporary Membership. Only Administrative fee $20 is required.
Frequently asked questions 常見問題
Q1: I am a CityU Student and have paid membership fee last year. Why the system charges me entrance fee?
A1: If you did not complete the membership enrollment form or complete it with mistakes, the system may treat you as a new student and charge you entrance fee. In this case, please use your CityU Email address to send your payment proof in the previous year to our contact method stated in Q2 below. Please pay the fee after our process.
如您上一年度繳交會費時,(a) 未有填寫會員資料表格、(b) 填寫會員資料表格時,錯誤填寫某些個人資料,系統或會未能辨識您的繳費。在此情況下,請將上一年度繳交會費相關之證明,發送到Q2所述的聯絡方式。為減省行政不便,請您在本會會員事務委員會核實後才繳交會費。
Q2: Who can I contact if I have any problems?
A2: You may send us a message via Facebook Inbox or Instagram Direct. You may also call the SU Counter at 3580 7430 during office hours.
您可以透過Facebook或Instagram的聊天功能向學生會幹事會尋求協助。您亦可於辦公時間內致電3580 7430向學生會服務櫃檯尋求協助。