Benefits 福利內容
You will enjoy the following Foodpanda Corporate Account benefits upon successful activation of the Foodpanda Corporate Account:
- 10% off upon spending at least $250 for food delivery at selected restaurants
- Extra 5% off upon spending at least $150 on foodpanda mall selected vendors
- Up to 55% off on pick-up orders
- Access to corporate service hotline
- 精選餐廳美食外送滿$250即享額外9折。
- foodpanda mall 生活百貨滿$150即享額外95折。
- 外賣自取低至45折。
- 企業客戶服務專線。
Members will also enjoy the following pandapro benefits for the first three months upon successful activation:
- Unlimited free delivery
- Unlimited 25% off food delivery at selected restaurants
- Monthly 5% off pick-up vouchers
- More exclusive perks from pandamart, foodpanda mall and other lifestyle partners
- 無限次免運費。
- 無限次精選餐廳美食外送75折。
- 每月外賣自取95折優惠券。
- 更多pandamart、foodpanda mall及各大生活品牌禮遇優惠。
Terms and conditions apply. If you have already registered for the same benefits previously, you do not need to register again as long as your membership remains valid.
Terms and Conditions 條款及細則
Below are the terms and conditions for applying for "foodpanda x CityUSU Corporate Account and Free Three Months of pandapro":
- This event is only open to members of CityUSU (including full members, temporary members and associate members).
- This member benefit is provided by Delivery Hero food Hong Kong Limited (foodpanda Hong Kong).
- Upon successful registration, you will receive a CityUSU foodpanda corporate account and three months of free pandapro.
- Registration period starts from 12 August 2024, and ends on 13 September 2024.
- Once approved, the CityUSU foodpanda corporate account will be valid for the duration of your membership. If your Students' Union membership expires, the foodpanda corporate account will be cancelled.
- If you need to cancel the CityUSU corporate account, please visit this website to make a request.
- By participating in this event, you agree that CityUSU will share your registered personal information (limited to email and name) with foodpanda Hong Kong for the purpose of applying for the CityUSU foodpanda corporate account and obtaining three months of free pandapro.
- For foodpanda Hong Kong's privacy policy, please visit
- CityUSU is only responsible for registration and verifying the registor's eligibility. All services will be provided by foodpanda Hong Kong. For more information about pandapro, please visit
- Both CityUSU and foodpanda reserve the right to cancel user-related services.
- CityUSU has the final decision-making authority for this event.
以下為申請「foodpanda × CityUSU 企業戶口及免費三個月pandapro」的條款及須知:
- 此活動只限城大學生會(本會)會員(包括基本會員、臨時會員及附屬會員)登記。
- 此項會員福利由 Delivery Hero Food Hong Kong Limited(foodpanda Hong Kong)提供 。
- 登記成功後,您將獲得一個城大學生會 foodpanda 企業戶口及三個月免費 Pandapro。
- 此輪登記日期由2024年8月12日開始至2024年9月13日為止。
- 一旦成功申請, foodpanda 企業戶口有效期將會跟隨會籍有效期。一旦學生會會籍到期,foodpanda 企業戶口亦會被取消。
- 如需要取消城大學生會企業戶口,請透過本網站提交申請。
- 您同意本會將會員在城大學生會所登記的個人資料(只限於電郵及姓名)轉交至 foodpanda Hong Kong 用於申請城大學生會 foodpanda 企業戶口及獲得免費三個月 Pandapro。
- foodpanda Hong Kong 的私隱條款請瀏覽。
- 本會只負責登記及核實同學有關資料是否符合活動資格,服務均由 foodpanda Hong Kong 提供,pandapro 的詳細資料請瀏覽。
- 本會及 foodpanda 均有權利取消用戶相關服務。
- 本會擁有活動最終決定權。
Registration 登記
Frequently Asked Questions 常見問題
此會員福利只適用於2024/25年度學生會會員。如您尚未繳交本年度會費,請按此完成會籍登記程序。如果你已成為學生會會員,可能你所輸入的資料與你所登記的會員資料不吻合,請你再次嘗試填寫或在辦公時間聯絡學生會職員協助(電話:3580 7430)。
登記後數日內你會收到一封內含二維碼的電郵供您啟動您的 foodpanda 企業戶口。由啟動日起計,您可享用三個月的免費 pandapro 。
您可以繼續使用您的 foodpanda 城大學生會企業戶口,以享用 foodpanda 向企業戶口提供的專屬優惠,直至你的學生會會藉終止為止。
不會。如果您屆時希望繼續 pandapro 訂閱,您必須另行付款,而系統不會自動向您的信用卡收取任何費用。
請使用 foodpanda 平台上的客服中心尋求協助。
請透過Instagram私訊@cityusu聯絡我們,或於辦公時間致電3580 7430聯絡本會職員。