「吾城世一」 Hoodie 及 反枱比賽

Due to overwhelming support, order placed after 22 December will be delivered in January 2024.

✨ 「吾城世一」 Hoodie✨



Order Now 立即訂購:
SU member 學生會會員 Non-SU member 非學生會會員

You must pay the fee immediately after placing the order, or your order will be cancelled. You may pay your fees by FPS, Tap&Go, Octopus Cards, Visa, MasterCard, UnionPay or PayMe.

For enquiries, please contact the SU Service Counter at 3580 7430 during Monday to Friday 09:30 - 13:00 or 14:00 - 18:30.
如有查詢,請於星期一至五上午九時三十分至下午一時或下午二時至六時三十分期間致電學生會服務櫃檯,電話 3580 7430。